© SEPTEMBER 1965 |
The Club was presented with a collection of plates and prints from Peckett‘s a few years back. I have been working my way through these and several unusual points crop up.
Although Peckett’s might be said not to have produced a great variety of designs, in the collection are such items as no. 492 for Nevill, Druce & Co., Llanelly. As this was an inside cylinder 0−4−0ST it is interesting to speculate on Hudswell Clarke 860 of similar design at the South Wales Steel Works in Llanelly. As Nevill’s locomotives worked on the dock estate perhaps Peckett 492 actually shunted the steelworks? Peckett 603 was an 0−6−0T for Gin Pit, Tyldesley, Lancs., where there were side tanks from several makers. Missing from the Fox, Walker collection is the 2−4−2T steep gradient locomotive which first ascended the bank and then winched the wagons up after it.
The photographs reproduced here show SYDNEY, a very rare design, which cannot be traced in the Peckett list. I would say the works number is in the 600 to 900 range. SANDAL is also untraced. Possibly the name is connected with the Sandal, near Wakefield, and, as the name is carefully painted and lined out, it could hardly have been put on just for photographic purposes. 480 is also a blank in the list although the locomotive in the photograph was obviously built.
Any assistance in clearing up these points is welcome as was the help given me by Messrs. Alliez and Redman.