© DECEMBER 1969 |
Not having an Editorial in our last issue prevented us from mentioning the new Society emblem which adorned the front cover. Designed by our cartographer, Roger West, it will appear in due course on all IRS publications, a hallmark we hope of all that is best in industrial railway activities.
Endorsing the editorial comments on page 95 of RECORD 25 concerning the apparent lack of interest in preserving a Yorkshire Engine Company steam locomotive (16 only remain). S/Sgt John Benson draws attention to the small number of Grant Ritchie survivors - all five are with the National Coal Board in Scotland although only two are thought to be in use; no example has yet been preserved. In offering to lend his support to anyone able to organise an appeal for funds, John asks for details of the firm of Grant Ritchie and its locomotives. Can anyone oblige?
The number of British-built industrial locomotives preserved in Great Britain and Ireland (including odd main-line examples of basically industrial design) makes interesting reading. At the time of writing the lead is shared by Barclay and Hunslet with 34 apiece, Hunslet's total including no less than 27 narrow gauge. Others with "double figures" include Peckett (31), Hudswell Clarke (20), Bagnall (20), Avonside (13), Kerr Stuart (11), Manning Wardle (11) and R. Stephenson & Hawthorns (10). The remaining builders represented are: Neilson (8), Sentinel (8), Hawthorn Leslie (7), Aveling & Porter (6), de Winton (6). Fletcher Jennings (5), R. Stephenson (5), Spence (5). Beyer Peacock (4). Borrows (4), Head Wrightson (3), Black Hawthorn (2), Brush (2), Fox Walker (2), Hedley (2), Kitson (2), Sharp Stewart (2), and the following with one each - Belliss & Seekings, Chaplin, Coalbrookdale, Gibb & Hogg, Hackworth, Hawthorns (Leith), Haydock Foundry, A. Horlock, North British, T. Green, and Vulcan Foundry. Is it too late to hope that someone will remember the forgotten survivors of Chapman & Furneaux, Dubs, Grant Ritchie, Markham, Neilson Reid, New Lowca, and the Yorkshire Engine Company?
Readers will no doubt have noticed that our last issue was reduced in size, but we hope to make up the missing four pages during the second half of Volume 3 in 1970. We considered that Keith Clingan's account of Corpet Louvet merited publication in a single issue, and anticipate that other projects in hand will also be covered by special issues of the RECORD as this will afford facilities for the publication of any supplementary information available. It has been said that too much foreign material appears in our pages, and whilst agreeing with this to a limited extent we would suggest that the remedy is in your hands. Can we look forward to a contribution from you in 1970?
As this is the last issue of 1969 we should like to thank all contributors for their continued support, and to wish all readers A Very Merry Christmas. Good Hunting in 1970.
"From 1904 the North Eastern Railway obtained sand for locomotive purposes from the beach at North Blyth and for this privilege they paid Lord Ridley £100 per acre worked. The sand was excavated by a steam navvy and loaded into N.E.R. wagons standing on a siding which crossed the Cowpen Coal Company's line on the level. In exchange for the use of the level crossing the Coal Co. obtained facilities for occasionally turning their engines on the N.E.R. at North Blyth. (Journal of the Stephenson Locomotive Society, January 1965.)